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Heirloom Ruby
Contents: Heirloom Lan'Xang Yun'Nan Da'Ye Zhong (Large Leaf Varietal)
Origin: Southern Yunnan Biodiverse Virgin Rainforest
Profile: Complex Structure, Vibrant, Food-Friendly, Malty Sweetness, Vanilla Accents & Ripe Tannins.
Caffeine: High Caffeine
Preparation: 1 Tbs per 8 oz. water 205°F. Steep to taste.

Known as "red tea" (hong cha) in the Far East for the color of the infused tea water, this varietal's common misnomer is Assam, after the Indian region where the British first discovered wild tea plants growing.

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SKU: HeirloomRubyLL
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  • Contents: Heirloom Lan'Xang Yun'Nan Da'Ye Zhong (Large Leaf Varietal)
    Origin: Southern Yunnan Biodiverse Virgin Rainforest
    Profile: Complex Structure, Vibrant, Food-Friendly, Malty Sweetness, Vanilla Accents & Ripe Tannins.
    Caffeine: High Caffeine
    Preparation: 1 Tbs per 8 oz. water 205°F. Steep to taste.

    Known as "red tea" (hong cha) in the Far East for the color of the infused tea water, this varietal's common misnomer is Assam, after the Indian region where the British first discovered wild tea plants growing. The real namesake of this varietal's true source origin is Yun'Nan, specifically the Lan'Xang region. Tea has been harvested from massive areas of virgin tea forest in this region for over 2,000 years. These tea trees have existed here since prehistoric times. The fully oxidized leaf style is known locally as Dian (the ancient name for Yun'Nan) Red tea, or Ruby (Hong Bao Shi). This tea tree is said to be one of the three main species of Tea tree (camellia sinensis), but in actuality is the mother species of all tea trees, from which all other varietals stem from.
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